Friday, December 11, 2009

The WORLD Aint That Innocent and Naive At All

I don't like people to comment on my plans and future decisions
I do have my own considerations and opinions for every step and choice I make
I don't expect everyone to understand and accept my decisions
Cuz some of you may think its meaningless and hilarious
But well, thats my life and the way I wanted my life to be
Its up to me right?

Some people may disagree and denying my choices as everyone thinks differently
But well, disagreement happens if I don't.. or lazy to explain the whole granny story about how and why I make such decisions
So, no one to be blamed afterall =)

I know I may make a wrong decision, or even bringing harms to my own life
But at least I won't regret for what I've done

It will be more hurtful if your actual plan works better than the decision suggested by others isn't it?

Note: I am not complaining or prejudicing anyone, merely posting up something that pops up in my mind

x x x x x x

I really miss him.. Alot

9am: "Wakey baby !"
: "Morning baby! Eat breakfast le ma?" 
. . . . . .
11am: "Gonna work?"
: "Yeah soon.."
: "Love you !"
: "Love yea too !" 
. . . . . .
11pm: "Baby !"
: "Baby ! Fin working edi? Must be tired hor.. Fast2 eat dinner and rest early ba~"

That's roughly the few conversations that we manage to talk since after he started to work
And its repeating everyday..
Do I really have to get used with that?
It feels so cold
I don't like the feeling of losing contact with him

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